Merry Christmas for all friends in utube! Two Danish Christmas songs 1. Dejlig er jorden Text: BS Ingemann, Melody: Silesian trad. “Dejlig er jorden” is one of the most famous Christmas hymns in Denmark, Norway and Faroe Island and other Nordic countries. The text is written by the Dane BS Ingemann in 1850. It is based on an old Silesian folksong: “Schönster Herr Jesus” In this video it is sung in Norwegian. My Source: The photos were all taken December 16th, 2009, the first snowy day of the year in Denmark. 2. Her kommer, Jesus, dine små Text: HA Brorson, Melody: JAP Schulz The text of this song was written by Adolph Brorson (1721-65), and the German composer Johann Abraham Peter Schulz (1747-1800) composed the melody. He served as Court Kapellmeister in Copenhagen from 1787 to 1795. In Germany he is known as the composer of the melody for Matthias Claudius’ poem “Der Mond ist aufgegangen” and the Christmas carol “Ihr Kinderlein kommet”. My source: (CD: Jul i Kronborg Slotskirke 1991) The photos are from Wikimedia. They show Danish Christmas traditions, food and decoration. Source of the thumbnail: Texts of the songs: 1. Dejlig er jorden, prægtig er Guds himmel, skøn er sjælenes pilgrimsgang! Gennem de fagre riger på jorden gå vi til paradis med sang! Tider skal komme, tider skal henrulle, slægt skal følge slægters gang. Aldrig forstummer tonen fra himlen i sjælens glade pilgrimssang. Englene sang den først for …